Analysis of ‘omic data can be complicated and often requires advanced computing skills. To make this part of an experiment simpler, BioSpyder Technologies have developed TempO-SeqR, a “biologist friendly” cloud-based tool for TempO-SeqR data analysis. TempO-SeqR is fast and secure and does not require installation or specialist informatics knowledge.
TempO-SeqR has an intuitive graphical user interface and can be used for quick and simple analysis of your data to explore data quality, differential gene expression, identify outliers, and carry out unsupervised clustering. It is possible to check correlation of individual samples or controls to each other; to verify grouping of sample types based on similarity; to calculate PCA groupings; or to analyse the basic fold-changes in gene expression between treatment or disease groups.
For more information, please visit the BioSpyder website or contact a member of our team.
TempO-SeqR demo
Webinar demo of TempO-SeqR for alignment and analysis. Please note that for service projects, alignment will be carried out for you.